Estudante vence anorexia e usa redes sociais para “salvar” adolescentes

My life without ana / Instagram

Após receber o diagnóstico de que tinha só mais algumas semanas de vida por causa da sua severa anorexia, a estudante Connie Inglis, 23 anos, de Leeds, na Inglaterra, conseguiu se recuperar e agora usa a mídia social para inspirar e ajudar outras pessoas a se recuperarem. Ela diz que usa as redes para espalhar a mensagem de “não importa quão ruim as coisas estejam, elas podem sempre melhorar”. Atualmente, Connie tem mais de 87 mil seguidores no Instagram.

Connie sofre com a anorexia desde os 10 anos e foi hospitalizada três vezes em nove anos. Em 2016, foi parar no hospital com o mesmo peso de quando tinha 5 anos. “Eu não me importava se iria viver ou morrer. Eu cheguei em um ponto onde estar no hospital não bastava, a única coisa que teria sido o suficiente teria sido se meu coração tivesse parado. Essa seria a única coisa que ia satisfazer a minha anorexia”, declarou Connie ao programa de TV britânico BBC Inside Out.

January 23rd 2016- January 23rd 2017 Firstly I want to say this is not a look how skinny I was or look how well I’ve done post. This is to hopefully show you that no matter how lost you are in your own head, it is possible to escape! It is possible to find happiness again!!! Secondly you do not have to be this shape, size colour or gender for your struggles to matter! You are always deserving of help if you are struggling!!! It’s a year ago today since I was sectioned under the mental health act. I was so ill I was doing everything I could think of to not take in ANYTHING. I had given up. My eating disorder had taken over and I wanted to die. So I was sectioned and forced to get better. I was put on an ng tube. I was forced to watch as the scale went up every week and I could do nothing about it. (Not that I didn’t try) I hated everyone who put me through that! I was on drugs that put me out so I wouldn’t hurt myself or anyone else. This time last year I was a mess. But the people I loved stayed by me. My best friends and my boyfriend came to see me all the time and my parents where there every day. They where there to remind me to try. So I did. Eventually I asked my boyfriend if it was ok if I ate, he told me I should. For the first time in my life I realised that I loved these people more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! I’m not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone’s struggles, (everyone’s struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I was in this for 10 years before I got out. But I want you to know that it is possible!!!!! No not all my problems have gone away. Yes I still have the thoughts. But I am strong enough now to resist! Keep going! You can get through this hell and I will be with you every step of the way!!! We can do this together!!!! (I don’t want to answer any questions about weight) #positivebeatsperfect

Uma publicação compartilhada por (@my_life_without_ana) em

A estudante usa sua página como forma de inspirar outros, mas nunca esconde a verdade cruel sobre viver com anorexia severa. “Eu amo ajudar as pessoas e acho que é realmente importante dar esse apoio, principalmente para aquelas que estão se recuperando. Elas têm que sentir que não estão sós. Eu tento ser verdadeira e não só mostrar as partes boas”, explica.

No shame in this belly game My tummy has always been the part of my body that I criticise the most. The part I tried the hardest to get rid of. When I was little I was told that if my tummy stuck out a bit that meant I was too fat, and therefore not beautiful. I was told that girls where only pretty if they had a flat stomach. Sorry I call bullshit! Nobody is ‘pretty’ because of 1 stupid part of there appearance. Nobody is defined by how much or little fat they carry on their tummy. People are beautiful. In the moment they smile. In the love for there families. In the way they look after others. In the way they hold themselves. In every way possible!!!!!! We are beautiful because we say that we are. Not because society tells us we’re not! And if your not feeling beautiful today. If your looking down at your tummy wanting to do anything it takes to get rid of it… STOP! Look in the mirror and repeat after me: I AM BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE IM ME I am the only version of me and that in itself is beautiful #positivebeatsperfect

Uma publicação compartilhada por (@my_life_without_ana) em

Connie reclama do sistema de saúde da Inglaterra, alegando que não existe dinheiro suficiente para tratar vítimas de distúrbios alimentares. “É muito irritante porque parece que se eu realmente não estiver me matando de fome, ninguém vai me levar a sério”.

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